With last year’s overhaul of the BeAxi ExamManager we laid the cornerstone for an even more reliable and user-friendly cloud solution. Now we want to invite all interested people and institutions to test the BeAxi E-Assessment solution completely free. How does it work? Easy!

After the registration, a Swiss Cloud (Shared) account can be used during the first 2 months and with 50 iPad-licenses completely free of charge. By recommending the solution to other people that will conduct at least 1 exam (from creation to evaluation) during that time, this free-tier-period can be extended. Per 3 registered users the free-tier-period will be extended by 1 month up to a maximum of 12 months. If a recommended user signs up for a paid plan, a onetime credit of 5% of those earnings will be added to your own account.

So, why wait? Create your own account here for free and start conducting your first exam!
